Headache Treatment
Headache Treatment
Headaches can be debilitating but most of all worrying.
Eleni Vogt (Osteopath) in Brisbane’s Outer Eastern Suburbs is highly qualified to assess and diagnose many types of headaches. She can create management plans to treat and prevent your symptoms and put your mind at ease.
Here are a few common causes of headaches (and dizziness) that she manages regularly:
A migraine is a very common headache type, and many people will have a friend or family member who suffers from migraines from time to time. Migraines are described as a one-sided dull ache developing into a severe throbbing that can be felt in the temples, top of the neck and the base of the scull. They are often aggravated by bright lights (photo-phobia) and loud sounds (phono-phobia), and can cause nausea and vomiting.
Some migraine sufferers have what is commonly referred to as an aura before the headaches starts. An aura is an onset of neurological symptoms often involving vision that begins five to thirty minutes before the headache starts. Most patients describe the sensation of seeing blurred or wavy lines, blurred vision or even reduced sight.
Tension Type Headaches
These are the most common type of headaches and are are often described by the sufferer as having a tight band around the head. Tension type headaches are usually on both sides of the head but can also be felt in the face, neck and shoulders. They can feel worse towards the end of the work day, and after long periods of stress or poor desk posture.
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic Headaches are headaches that stem from disorders of the top of the neck. The headaches are characterised by one-sided pain, starting at the base of the neck and travels to the side of the head and face. The pain is usually precipitated or aggravated by neck movement, or trauma such as road traffic collision.
Cervicogenic Dizziness
Cervicogenic is a type of dizziness that comes from a dysfunction in the neck. The neck and surrounding structures have been proven to play an important role in balance. Trauma to the neck from incidents such as road traffic collisions can disrupt these inputs to balance. This can cause regular neck movements to result in feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, swaying or a swimming sensation.